Dimation Inc. © 2018
An AS9100 Service provider
ITAR Registered. We take it serious about being compliant!
QA-FRM-024 Rev C
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Quality of our Services :
Satisfaction with our “Quik-Turn “ Services:
Cost Competitiveness with: Proto
Cost Competitiveness with: Die Level Services
Cost Competitiveness with: Design
Customer Service
How could we serve you better?
How did you hear about Dimation? Select one of the following : Email, Website, Word of Mouth, Advertisement, Existing Customer, Referral, Other. If Referral, Who?
Friendly Professional Staff
Design Technology Expertise
Sales Support / Representation
Completeness of Paperwork
Would you recommend us ? Explain Below if applicable.
What other Services would you like to see added to our portfolio?
What is you Preferred CAD Software for Electrical Design Services:
Referrals are appreciated and recognized with future incentives. Dimation Dollars are available for referral of new customers. In past surveys, we have sent popcorn to enjoy while completing the survey. Popcorn is still available at your request. Using the drop down menu located to the right of the screen, please select your preference if interested.
Dimation would like to thank you for taking the time to fill out this survey. Please select the “SUBMIT Survey“button to create a preformatted email with your Survey answers and press the send button to complete the Survey.
Please select one of the following from the Drop Downs below: N/A , 1, 2 ,3, 4, 5
N/A=Not Applicable 1=Below Expectations 2=Sometimes Meets expectations 3=Meets Expectations 4=Sometimes Exceeds Expectations 5= Exceeds Expectations